Colorado Springs Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Jeremy Loew is a top Criminal Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs. Jeremy gets results and specializes in defending DUI, Domestic Violence, felony charges, misdemeanors, and every type of traffic and driving infraction you can imagine.
Jeremy solves problems and knows the legal system inside and out. Jeremy genuinely cares about his clients and works harder and smarter than any Colorado Springs Defense Attorney for the future of his clients.
If you have any kind of legal issue – set up an appointment for a Free, Friendly Case Review today.
If you don’t call, Jeremy can’t help you!
Understanding Search and Seizure Laws in Colorado
Understanding Search and Seizure Laws in Colorado: Know Your RightsMany are unaware of their rights concerning search and seizure laws in Colorado, which are designed to protect you from unreasonable intrusions by law enforcement. Knowing your Fourth Amendment rights...
7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Facing a DUI in Colorado
7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Facing a DUI in ColoradoFacing a DUI charge in Colorado is a serious matter that can have lasting consequences on your personal and professional life. The choices you make during this process can significantly impact the outcome of...
Sex Offender Registry
What Is The Sex Offender Registry?The Colorado Sex Offender Registry is a system established to monitor individuals convicted of specific sexual offenses within the state. The registry's primary objectives are to enhance public safety, deter recidivism among...
What Is Domestic Violence?
What Is Domestic Violence In Colorado Springs?Domestic violence is a serious and complex issue that encompasses a range of abusive behaviors committed by one individual against another within a close relationship. These relationships often include spouses, intimate...
Sex Offender Deregistration
Sex Offender Deregistration In ColoradoSex Offender Deregistration - A Complicated Process Sex offender deregistration, also known as removal from the sex offender registry, is a complicated legal process that can allow those convicted of certain sex crimes to seek...
Consequences Of Violating Probation In Colorado
Consequences Of Violating Probation In ColoradoViolating Probation - Don't Violate Your Probation! In Colorado, probation serves as an alternative to incarceration, allowing individuals convicted of certain offenses to remain in the community under specific conditions...
First Time DUI
First Time DUI In Colorado SpringsWhat Happens During a First-Time DUI in Colorado Springs? Being charged with a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. In Colorado Springs, as in the rest of the state, DUI laws are...
Body Camera Video Can Be Used To Challenge A DUI
Body Camera Video Can Be Used To Challenge A DUIIn Colorado, Body Camera Video, or body-worn camera (BWC) footage has become a pivotal element in adjudicating Driving Under the Influence (DUI) cases. Such footage can significantly influence the defense strategy,...
Pre-Charge / Pre-Indictment Stage
Pre-Charge / Pre-Indictment StageIn Colorado, the "pre-charge" or "investigation stage" of a criminal case refers to the period during which law enforcement agencies gather evidence and assess the viability of potential charges before formal prosecution begins. This...
Probable Cause
Can Probable Cause Help Or Hurt Your Case? Let's discuss that. I can help you. Get your Free Consultation Now.Probable Cause And Your Arrest Probable cause is a legal standard in Colorado, as in other U.S. jurisdictions, that serves as a foundational principle...