Colorado Springs DUI Attorney
Is It Possible To Beat Your DUI?
Yes, We Can Beat Your DUI !
Beat Your DUI With The Best Colorado Springs DUI Attorney Jeremy Loew.
Experienced, Aggressive Colorado Springs DUI Lawyers.
Best Colorado Springs DUI Attorney Can Beat Your DUI!
Getting a DUI in Colorado Springs (driving under the influence) is a frightening experience, and it can happen to anyone. Many people have found themselves driving after consuming a bit too much alcohol, and a police stop could have easily followed.
This concern is more prevalent today, as Colorado’s legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit stands at just 0.08.
Reaching that limit doesn’t require much alcohol, especially if you’ve had a drink or two on an empty stomach after work. If you face a DUI or DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired) charge, you need the expertise of an aggressive and experienced Colorado Springs DUI attorney.
A moment of carelessness can result in consequences that can change your life in ways that you cannot imagine!
Colorado Springs DUI Attorney FAQ.
DUI Makes News But DWAI Is Serious
DUIs get all the press, but there is a lesser known offense called a DWAI or driving while ability impaired. DWAI is a more subjective offense, but often comes with near comparable penalties to a DUI in Colorado.
The DWAI statute indicates you are guilty of DWAI if you are driving while your ability is impaired to the slightest degree.
What To Do If Charged With DUI or DWAI
Obviously the safest option is to simply not drink at all if you are going to be driving.
However, that may not always be practical. If you find yourself being charged with a DUI, here’s what you need to do: Call Jeremy Loew who knows how to get you out of trouble – and fast.
You can also Contact Our DUI Lawyers HERE for a Free, Friendly Consultation!
Jeremy Loew – a Top Colorado Springs DUI Lawyer in Colorado Springs who has the specialized knowledge and the experience needed to fight your DUI.
Make the call sooner rather than later. In most cases, you only have seven days in which to begin defending your rights. The longer you wait, the worse it gets.
An effective defense hangs on two key areas – the BAC and evidence of impairment
Your blood alcohol content (BAC) is determined with either a breathalyzer or blood test.
The processes and procedures of a blood alcohol concentration test can and should be questioned by you and your attorney.
In order for the test to be perfectly accurate specific procedures must be followed and the machines used to conduct the tests must be kept in perfect working order. This opens up many opportunities for the test to be improperly administered causing inaccurate results.
You Have Rights.
You have the right to have your BAC sample retested. If the retested results differ in any way from the original, they may be shown as unreliable and could be thrown out.
Occasionally BAC evidence is not properly preserved or may even be thrown out which is another reason to ask for a retest. We will ask these questions.
Additionally, the BAC test is only effective and relevant at the time you are driving. Consequently, if the test is administered long after you are stopped, the results may be inadmissible, and your DUI attorney knows this.
Question Everything!
The point is to question everything about the BAC. Penalties for DUI have become severe even for a first time offender. It is worth the effort to put up a fight and defend yourself.
The second key is evidence of impairment which is highly subjective. It is determined by a human police officer and humans are notoriously inconsistent. We all react to situations differently.
You might be nervous and tired when you get pulled over. Your shaky behavior and blood shot eyes may be due to stress and not alcohol. You may have horrible balance even stone cold sober. These indicators and behaviors may cause the police officer to charge you based on behavior that can be explained.
Having an experienced defense attorney such as Jeremy Loew or Matt Roche on your side can help poke holes in the police account of the alleged offense.
Call An Experienced DUI Lawyer In Colorado Springs
Facing a DUI or DWAI is a very serious matter. Even first-time offenders face jail time, risk losing their job and face stiff fines and huge hikes in insurance costs.
Make your first call to Jeremy Loew or Matt Roche at The Law Office Of Jeremy Loew and they will protect your rights and give you the advantage of experienced and effective legal counsel.
Do Not Get Discouraged!
There are many things we can do to fight your DUI. We’ve been around the block a few times and we know what the police are up to, and how to effectively fight their tactics.