Falsely Accused Of Domestic Violence?

Have You Been Falsely Accused Of Domestic Violence?

Please give me a call – let’s discuss your case and see how I can help you.

Being falsely accused of domestic violence can affect every facet of your life. Depending on the particular circumstances, such an accusation can affect your job, your finances, your relationships and numerous other areas of your life. Generally, people around you may assume that you are a destructive force with only an accusation. Now is not the time to do nothing and hope for the best. falsely accused of domestic violence

Your Rights Have Been Violated Being Falsely Accused Of Domestic Violence

It is a violation of your personal rights if you are falsely accused of domestic violence even though you are not guilty. Keep in mind that, even if you’re proven innocent, there is a chance that your reputation and life will never be the same again.

This is precisely why you need to be proactive in aggressively fighting the domestic violence charges as soon as possible. Don’t leave anything this important to chance. Keep in mind that people who are falsely charged with domestic violence are the victims themselves.

In some instances, the falsely accused can fall prey to revenge plots from their former spouses or partners. Unfortunately, the accuser in a domestic violence case holds most of the cards, at least at first. Furthermore, the police are forced by law to make an arrest based on what they see as evidence at the scene, regardless of actual fact.

Don’t assume that your partner would never go that far. Most people rarely expect that someone they have held so dear would make false accusations against them, and hold to those accusations. Therefore, you need to be prepared for anything since things might take a bad turn at any minute.

If you find yourself with a false domestic violence charge, you need to find the right lawyer to skillfully safeguard your legal rights, and guide you through the complex and oftentimes bewildering choices that await in our legal system. A good defense attorney should act quickly and with focus to use the law to protect YOU and to see your case through to the end.

Be Prepared For Friends And Family To Question Your Innocence

It’s common for family members and friends to turn against you if you’re accused of domestic violence whether or not the charges are false. If your partner accuses you, chances are that some friends and even family members might ban you from their lives as well. Keep in mind that the situation might get worse before it gets better.

If your relationship has turned sour and you have been falsely accused, please see a few tips to protect your rights and to help assure a fair and just outcome. Various states have different laws regarding domestic violence but the following general concepts should assist in any case regarding false allegations of domestic violence.

Get An Experienced Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

First, you need to find an experienced criminal defense attorney who specializes in standing up for those who are falsely accused of domestic violence. Take advantage of any free consultations available to get as much advice on the matter as possible.

The attorney can provide important information on your options and should be able to put a plan of action together almost immediately. Time is of the essence here, the longer you go without experienced legal representation, the less likely are your chances for a successful outcome.

Follow Your Attorney’s Advice

Hopefully, you have decided to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to represent you. He or she will give you explicit instructions on what to do as you and your attorney are fighting the accusations.

It is of vital importance that you follow your attorney’s advice to the letter, as there are many pitfalls that need to be avoided. Your defense attorney has many years defending those who are falsely accused of domestic violence.

Every case is different and no attorney can ever guarantee a positive outcome, but, if you select your defense attorney wisely, he or she will know exactly what to do and when to do it in order to give your case the best odds for success.

A Serious Challenge

Fighting false charges of domestic violence is a serious challenge and the repercussions of a failed defense will hound you for years to come. These charges can be successfully fought with an experienced defense attorney. Of course, there are no guarantees. If you are innocent, then you have the truth on your side.

With the guidance and the expertise of experienced defense lawyer Jeremy Loew, you stand the best chance for success. Call Jeremy Loew now for a free review of your case at (719) 387-4111 or click HERE to contact by email.


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