Car Accident Attorney

Colorado Springs Car Accident Attorney

When a car accident happens, it can change the way you live your life. If you are severely injured, it may be impossible for you to return to work because you would simply be unable to complete the tasks you would normally do before the accident ever occurred.

Do you need to speak with a Colorado Springs Lawyer Now? Call us at (719) 387-4111 or Click HERE to schedule your Free Case Review!

An experienced car accident attorney is crucial to secure your rights to compensation.

The things that came so naturally to you, such as running or even walking, may be things that are not longer as easy for you to do because of the nature of your injuries.

If you cannot work and are unable to make money, you may end up dealing with a major financial strain as those bills start piling up.

Car Accident Was Not Your Fault

Even when you drive responsibly, never go over the limit, and are always following the rules of the road, you can still get into an accident that is caused by someone else who is not driving responsibly and may not even be paying attention to what is going on in front of them because they are distracted with something else, such as a phone.

There are people who make calls and text while driving, there are people who are so tired that they end up falling asleep while they are driving, and there are people who choose to get behind that wheel despite having alcohol or drugs in their system.

If you’re involved in a car accident in Colorado, knowledge of the state’s laws is critical to getting a successful resolution and diminishing the cost and anguish of these events.

Having an aggressive and experienced Colorado Springs car accident attorney on your team will ensure you get the representation you deserve when dealing with car insurance companies and the courts.

3 Years To File A Personal Injury Lawsuit

In Colorado, you have a three-year time window in which to file a personal injury lawsuit from the date of the accident.

This statute does not apply to how long you have to file with your insurance company, however, filing a claim through your own insurance (in case of an uninsured motorist accident) or through the other party’s insurance (known as a third-party claim), is a lengthy and complicated process.

It can use up the time given in the statute of limitations, leaving you without options if you’re offered a fraction of the damages you are entitled to by the insurance adjuster, who only has his employer’s best interest at heart.   It is always best to consult with an experienced Colorado Springs car accident attorney before speaking to an insurance adjuster, in order to avoid damaging your claim through unintentional comments you may regret later.

The statute of limitations differs if you were injured by a government entity, such as a city bus.  In this case, the time limit is more like six months.  A knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorney is an invaluable asset in handling claims against government bodies.

Colorado Is A “Fault” State

Colorado became a “fault” state in 2003.

This means monetary awards are reduced by whatever percentage of the “fault” the judge or jury believes is yours.  In case of multiple defendants, as in the case of a chain reaction accident involving more than two vehicles, Colorado provides that fault should be “apportioned” appropriately.

The insurance adjustors, and the court and jury,  if the case goes to trial, all  have a say in determining degree of fault between the plaintiff and the defendant or defendants after studying police evidence, witness reports, and opposing arguments by the parties involved.

What A Car Accident Attorney Can Do To Help You

Aggressive and experienced legal representation is needed to protect your rights involving car accidents under many circumstances such as;

  • When “fault” is being disputed
  • Where there is any question of past injuries
  • You are unsure of evaluating your own claim
  • A settlement is too low
  • The other party involved in the accident has served you with a lawsuit.

Our goal is to make sure you receive the compensation you need and are not shortchanged throughout the process.

We will review details of the accident and do our best to prove negligence on behalf of the other driver while also providing details on the different injuries you have sustained.

We are going to put a case together before consulting with the insurance company while attempting to get you the most cash possible. If the other party sees that we are serious, the insurance companies will often offer a decent settlement and if they do not offer to settle, we are not afraid to take them to court.

We can find money that the insurance company knows you are entitled to, but you do not.

Individual Personalized Care

Let an expert personal injury attorney help you and guide you when negotiating a settlement or filing a lawsuit after a car accident.   Jeremy Loew tailors his strategy to address your specific legal needs and provides you with individual, personalized care.

At The Law Office Of Jeremy Loew you won’t be given the run-around that’s common at large, impersonal law firms. You will receive personal attention that is focused on one goal – getting the compensation that you deserve.

Pain And Suffering

You may be able to receive compensation to help cover the cost of your automobile repairs and medical expenses. However, you may receive additional compensation for all the pain and suffering you have endured.

If you are ready to get what you rightfully deserve after everything that has happened, reach out to us today to start the consultation process.

We provide free consultations and will not charge our clients unless the client wins the case.

Make your first call to Jeremy Loew and he will help you secure your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.

Call (719) 387-4111 today or Call Now!